In their 21st anniversary year, The Purcell Singers are delighted to have been invited to St Paul's Cathedral once again for a special Saturday evensong.
Choral Evensong takes place in the stalls of the quire, towards the high altar, a space which allows the music to resonate perfectly and foster a sense of calm. As there are usually more people than can be accommodated in the quire, some also sit in the seats under the dome.
The service starts at 5pm and lasts 45 minutes.
It is led almost entirely by music, with the Choir singing preces and responses, the psalm for that evening, the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis of the Canticles and also an anthem.
The Magnificat (My soul doth magnify the Lord) is a celebratory and revolutionary text spoken by the Virgin Mary to her cousin Elizabeth. The Nunc Dimittis (Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace), is the old man Simeon's song of fulfilment on seeing the baby Jesus in the Temple and recognising him as the Messiah. It is also a prayer for our peace and protection.
On Saturday 15 August, The Purcell Singers will perform:
Responses - Ayleward
Canticles - Blair in B minor
Anthem - Bairstow Blessed City, Heavenly Salem
Further information about choral evensong is available on the St Paul's website.
Admission to church services is free, and you will need to arrive at 4.30pm to make sure you are seated in good time.
We look forward to seeing you there.